I am… This sentence sounds so explicit and demanding for me. I cannot define myself as somebody firmly, basing only on my beliefs and convictions. I am completely free to evaluate myself in the way I want to and to manipulate the image of me in any direction I believe is most appropriate and favorable for me.
    People have known me by many titles. I am a citizen of the world, a student, a daughter, a sister, a grandchild, a friend, but most essential I am an individual soul
    in each of the previous definitions. I am many things – and I am one unique human being as everyone in the world is.  On the other hand I am aware of some absolutely true facts about me. 

    I am an individual. I am Irina Dzhundrina. I come originally from Bulgaria, more specifically from one small, but dear to me town – Rakovski. I am currently studying a bachelor degree of International Communication Management in the beautiful and modern Rotterdam in the Netherlands. What else? 

    I am passionate for so many and diverse things and I am willing to be easily attracted to new and interesting things. I love photography, books, nature, music, cooking, some sports and so many things also. However, I am rather private person when it comes to me, so it is quite strange and unexpected to me to create a blog. To be completely honest this action is incited by an assignment I should do for university, but I cannot deny that I have always imaged what can be like to be more open to people and to share your opinions freely.

     I totally forget about the platform I follow in this description of me, so let’s go back a little bit.
    I am inspired by almost everything, no matter how hilarious and impossible it may sound. I am intrigued by people and all about them – I like observing and guessing all the interesting psychological things about human beings. I am always looking for these tiny little things and actions that can tell so much. I am inspired by nature and rain, sun, storms, lighting can be quite thrilling to observe and to feel through your inner link with the universe. I get bored occasionally as every human being, but I manage in a millisecond to find something that will inspire me to react in an uncommon a strange way. I adore creating something with my own signature and catching the moment - you know for which moments I am talking about, the ones you want to imprint in your memory and never forget.

    I am sensing that you do not know me.
    I know that you can learn a little bit more by reading this blog from time to time.
    I feel special now because you decided to spend minutes from your time on reading this.
    I am glad that you choose to communicate with me even it is not personally within these minutes instead of talking to one of the 7,108,875, 333 people in the world in this second. (
    http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ )

    As I once heard : ''Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known'' , so I am so grateful that you have spent a minute or more to wander in my blog where each work of mine is a scream of freedom and individualistic view of the world, presented by photographs.
    For now you should probably suspect that I am super ego-centered because I used ‘’ I ‘’ 45 times in this post.

    I am writing too much nonsense now. 

    I am starting to feel awkward.

    I am smiling at you.

    I am getting out of here.


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